Re: filters?

Am 2003.09.17 08:20 schrieb(en) Kacper Wysocki:
> Hi,
> I'm running balsa 2.0.14-1 (debian sid package), and I read in the FAQ:
> Does Balsa support filters?
>   Yes.
> Not here it doesn't. Mailbox>Edit/Add Filters opens up a dialog sure  
> enough, but the "Add" button doesn't do anything. Nothing. Doesn't even  
> give an error message to console.

You first have to create a Rule in Edit->Filters
A great tutorial is to be found the the Balsa Help (Help->Contents)

> On a tangential note, I was wondering whether anyone is using bayesian  
> spam filtering with balsa, in which case I was wondering -which-  
> bayesian spam filter?

I use Balsa together with an exim->procmail->spamassassin->procmail pipe

But I think you can even give mails directly to spamassassin right from  

Note: In order to get Bayesian filters to work much quicker you have to  
set a spam and a ham-folder over which you will have to do a "sa-learn"  
every day (cron is your friend...)

It filters 98% of my spam correctly and after 2months there were no more  
Another thing: I had to set

score BAYES_90 5.00

in user_prefs to work in a much improved way!

> Other than that, balsa is an excellent mail program

I also thinking that!


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