Re: [RFC] replace icon list by tree view: new/improved patch

On 05/22/2003, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
> Hi all,
> below is a new patch (against the cvs) to replace the icon list in 
> the balsa message window by a two-page notebook with a tree on the 
> 2nd page. Major improvements over the 1st attempt are:
> * hide the notebook if there is only one single part;
> * keyboard navigation works again;
> * double-click or hit space in the tree to select & display a part;
> * if multiple parts are selected, button3/Shift-F10 in the tree pops 
> up a different menu to save all selected parts in a loop (thanks 
> Manu!!);
> * some cosmetics (signed/encrypted icon in the tree, show MIME type 
> in save dialog title, make stuff like "mixed parts" translatable, 
> ...).
> Opinions?

This works really well for me--ready for cvs, to my mind.

One tiny niggle: hide the notebook tabs also when there's no message?  
That is, hide by default, and show only when there are some parts...



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