Re: Minor annoyance

On 07/24/2003 12:18:05 AM, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
> On 2003.07.23 14:54, Pawel Salek wrote:
>> On 2003.07.23 18:03, Geoffrey Leach wrote:
>>> Alas, not POP3.  The messages in question are being delivered to the 
>>> inbox by an autonomous MDA.
>> What MDA is this?
>> I recall a friend of mine had similar problem when his formail did not 
>> use proper mailbox locking (I remember it very vaguely).
> The MDA is a homebrew Perl script that uses Email::Simple to access the 
> mbox.  This is a Simon Cozens product, so I'm pretty confident that it 
> does the right thing. The algorithm is
>     for (1..10) {
>         return 1 if flock ($fh, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
> 	sleep $_;
>     }
>     return 0;

And you do not access the mailbox over NFS or similar network file 
system, do you? (flock does not work over NFS).


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