Re: Starting Over

On 01/17/2003, Jeffrey Bruton wrote:
> Balsa 1.24. on RH 8.0
> I would like to start over with balsa, I think I botched the  
> inital install/setup. I did an rpm -e and reinstalled, but it  
> came up with the same prefs, so I figure there's some config  
> files the rpm -e did not remove. I'm new to linux, so I am  
> unsure of what files are where in reference to balsa, or mail  
> in general on linux.

Balsa 1.2.4 stores its prefs in ~/.gnome/balsa . On RH8, you  
could be using Balsa 2.0.13, which takes advantage of later Gtk+  
and Gnome features--and Balsa 2.x.x stores its prefs in ~/. 
gnome2/balsa .


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