Re: html scrollbar or no scrollbar ?

Am 2002.11.20 19:02 schrieb(en) Carlos Morgado:
> On 2002.11.20 17:48:49 +0000 Peter Bloomfield wrote:
>> On 2002.11.20 12:40 Carlos Morgado wrote:
>>> On 2002.11.20 17:32:22 +0000 Peter Bloomfield wrote:
>> [ snip ]
>>>> It's not clear to me why GtkHtml doesn't have a default handler for 
>>>> size-request...
>>> me neither, truth is i couldn't find one :\
>> There doesn't seem to be one in the current cvs code, either--it must 
>> be a philosophical statement of some kind...
> or it might be they just don't know given the nature of html :)
>> BTW, I noticed this in the cvs log for NEWS:
>> 1.8 <rodo> 2002-11-01 10:06
>> moving gnome-2-port branch to HEAD
>> Does that mean that we're going to have a serious alternative to 
>> GtkHtml2 for Balsa-2?
> i heard something in the lines of gtkhtml2 sucking miserabling and people
> taking gtkhtml1 and blunt porting it to gtk+2

It's not that bad.
The problem is that gtkhtml2 hasn't a really maintainer for a year or so 
But on the other side there are many more feature (like html 4.0) which 
gtkgtml1 (ported to gtk2) lacks.

For some information have a look to this thread:
(you have to take some time, it's A LOT ;-)


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