Re: Balsa crash causes old mail to reappear

On 2002.03.08 15:30 Olaf Frączyk wrote:
> On 2002.03.08 14:02:06 +0100 Steffen Klemer wrote:
>> Balsa keeps the MailBoxes open until you explicit close it, because 
>> the speed is much better if you handle the box in memory then on the 
>> disk.
> It's ok, if you have one, two users with graphic interface ;)
> If you use X terminals you start to have problems...
> From top eg.:
>  7453 piotr      9   0 76516  74M  5892 S     0.0 30.0   0:01 balsa
>  7456 piotr      8   0 76516  74M  5892 S     0.0 30.0   0:00 balsa
> So, 1 GB RAM for 10 simultaneous users, not mentioning other stuff :)
> If every program used to do it that way...

Strangely, my balsa takes usually 10-12MB. There is an option called 
Properties/misc/Close unused mailboxes.


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