Re: Problem with Umlauts in 1.3.2? באדג

Em Sבb, 02 Mar 2002 10:13:16 Thomas Maeder escreveu:
> I think that I have discovered an Umlaut problem in Balsa 1.3.2 (well,
> others have discovered it by informing me about malformed message 
> bodies).
> When I send myself a message containing Umlauts both in the Subject and
> the body from 1.2.4, the message arrives intact. When I send myself a
> similar message from 1.3.2, the subject arrives intact, but the body is
> garbled (see below).
> Since 1.2.4 (and everything else I use) works correctly, I don't think 
> that the problem is with 1.3.2 and not with my local settings.

hum. seems to work for me. doesn't it ? :)
could you please check in the language menu the correct lang is selected ?

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
[ rm vs .sig - rm 1 .sig 0]

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