Folder names containing blanks [Was: Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-1.3.2 released.]

Am 2002.02.27 16:19 schrieb(en) Thomas Maeder:
> I have a hierarchy of IMAP directories and folders on one server. 
> When Balsa 1.3.2 displays this hierarchy, it somehow invents empty 
> sub-directories with empty names whose contents are that of the 
> directories parent; the hierarchy as displayed by Balsa 1.3.2 looks 
> something like this:
> - Software Engineering
> | -
> | | -
> | | | +
> | | | + C++
> | | + C++
> | + C++
> In reality, there is only one C++ directory, located directly under 
> "Software Engineering"; there is no directory with an empty name 
> under "Software Engineering"; the directories displayed on lines 2 to 
> 4 all behave as if they were symbolic links to "Software Engineering".
> I observe this behavior for more than one directory (but not all of 
> them), and the blank in the name isn't the distinctive factor; I have 
> no idea what the distinctive factor is.

I think I know now: it's the blank in the directory name.

The behavior I described above is that of 1.3.2. In 1.2.4, a folder 
(not a sub-directory) with an empty name is displayed instead.

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