Re: Work on PGP/GPG support

On 2002.03.01 11:49:05 +0000 Brian Stafford wrote:

> When you get to the PGP/MIME stage, I'd appreciate if you dropped me a line 
> since I'd quite like to have S/MIME support in balsa too.  Obviously this 
> will need to integrate into the same MIME framework as PGP/MIME.

s/mime is being paid for by the german govt for some mail clients including
mutt. it's in mutt-1.5

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
Software is like sex; it's better when it's free. - Linus Torvalds

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