Re: Balsa 2

On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 06:56:17PM +0100, Ali Akcaagac wrote about 'Re: Balsa 2':
> On Thu, 2002-02-14 at 18:41, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> > You haven't heard from me in some while. I have done some more work on
> > balsa 2, but still have probs with addressbookentry. Could I put my
> > sources on a CVS server somewhere so others can look at them and help
> > - that would improve the progress? 
> but this means it needs more than it gets right now:
> - gconf support (not that i like it but it seem to be a must for gnome2)
> - remove depracted librarycalls.
> - ui polish etc.
> - code polish.
- code restructuring
- speed optimization.. 

> the only info i got so far is some stuff there some stuff here but no
> real roadmap for balsa... what is going on right now any comments or
> something ? i think a more serious attempt to get balsa moving is needed
> than doing some tweaks there and here to get it running on gnome2.
A (partial) rewrite of balsa would be needed indeed. But would it be
wise to do that during the gnome2 porting?

Let's get the balsa2 CVS running...


Jelmer Vernooij <> -
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