Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-1.2.0

On Mon, 24 September 12:26 Jules Bean wrote:

> Indeed, but I can understand why people might not want their passwords
> saved in the config... (encrypted or not)

I save passwords in the SMTP server config too.  I can't say I'm too happy
about this but its hard to come up with satisfactory solutions here.

Given the multiplicity of passwords needed for different services, e.g.
multiple POP-3, IMAP and SMTP servers, pass phrases for client certificates
etc. it seems like there should be some form of password manager somewhere.

I would prefer to see this as a library of some sort - nicely generic.
Less preferrred would be to have a gnome password manager (not all
programs are gnome programs) and least preferred of all but probably
easiest/quickest to implement would be a password manager in balsa.

Its hard to see a good way to avoid storing passwords locally, but I'd
have thought something like 3des or blowfish with a 168/128 bit key would be
sufficient for encrypting them - at least the user need only remember
one pass phrase on a regular basis.


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