Re: HTML document "attachment" icon

At 09:14 AM 9/6/01, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
>oki and what will be showed if you get HTML email that contains a normal
>attachment ? what icon will be shown then ? the html one or the attachment
>one ? or both :)

That will show the paper clip attachment icon, because the content-type of
the message is "multipart/mixed" or "multipart/alternative".  The patch
does not change handling of these types, only "text/html".

>but all in all, why do we want to show HTML content as attachment at all ?

Exactly.  That's why I changed it.  I could just as easily have left
the attachment column blank, but I would like to be able to distinguish
text/html messages from text/plain messages.

>wouldn't it be better to have an option in the prefs, so we can choose of
>'show HTML message instead text if present' or
>'show only TEXT message and forget HTML'

That's certainly an option, but it's beyond the scope of what is
displayed in the message list.

At 09:13 AM 9/6/01, Brian Stafford wrote:
>If a message has a text/html part marked as an attachment, then that's
>what it is.

I'm not dealing with messages that have parts, just messages that are
"text/html".  NOT messages that are "multipart/blah" with one of the
part containing html.  That goes back to the problems Toralf had with
information not being available when building the message list.

Only the message header's (not message parts) content-type item is taken
into account when deciding on an attachment icon for the message list.
If content-type is text/plain, no icon.  Else, paper clip icon.
I have merely attempted to add "text/html, document icon" this.
If everyone but me hates this, then can we at least change it so
that "text/html" displays no icon, instead of the paper clip, as
it does now?


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