Re: HTML document "attachment" icon

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001 11:20:44 +0200, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
>On 2001.09.05 22:14:04 +0200 hitched97 wrote:
>> This patch replaces the paper clip icon in the "attachment" column
>> with a document icon for messages with "Content-Type" of "text/html".
>> Improvements to the icon are welcome...
>aehm, i replaced the icons some days ago, theres no need to replace
>the icon again, specially not with a NON-GNOME icon. the icon for
>multipart (usually contained attachments) was a 'envelope' similar
>to your icon. now after i've investigated into several other mailers
>i saw that most of them are using the 'paperclip' as attachment.
>a) because its standard gnome icon
>b) its lighter to port from one mailer to another because you get
>   the same symbols

I think you missed the point of the patch - I don't do anything with
multipart messages - they still use the (gnome) paper clip icon.  The
only thing I changed was messages of content-type text/html, which are
currently marked with a paper clip, but with the patch are marked with
a document icon, which I based on a netsc*pe icon, because there was no
suitable gnome icon available.  Unless you want to make each line in
the message list large enough to hold the 48x48 gnome-html icon.

In any case, it's not the icon I am concerned about, it's *not* having
a paper clip on text/html messages.  These messages do not have an
attachement, and it's not appropriate to mark them as such.  I would
still like to see them marked in some fashion, to distinguish them from
plain text messages.

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001 10:04:03 +0200, Toralf Lund wrote:
>Hmmm. I still think we need to do something like
>[from a patch I submitted earlier]

Yes, I saw your patch, and realize there is a need to do something for
multipart/whatever, but as you discovered, this is not simple, so I
ignored the whole multipart issue, and only dealt with the simpler
text/plain and text/html items.  Perhaps we can use a miniature of the
multipart/alternative and multipart/mixed icons that are displayed in
the attachment area of the message preview...

Steve Wall

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