Re: MDN reception

Le 2001.09.04 09:33:44 +0200, Brian Stafford a écrit :
> On Mon,  3 September 20:49 christophe barbe wrote:
> > I've missed something or balsa handle MDN response as normal mail ?
> > 
> > I don't know how others mail user agent handle Message Disposition
> > Notification but I imagine they simply add a symbol to the sent mail to
> > indicate 'haas been displayed' without bothering the user with a mail.
> > Perhaps I wrong.
> > Then I can't find how to set up my balsa to not ask for MDN.
> That would be nice but I've not seen a UA that does it to date.
> An MDN contains a machine readable part which contains the same
> information
> as the natural language message most MUAs show the user.  The information
> in the machine readable part should allow the UA to associate an MDN with
> the
> message for which it was requested.  This can be used by the application
> to
> flag messages and present the delivery report in the user's own locale
> and
> language.  But as I said, I haven't seen a UA do this - it would be
> excellent
> if balsa did!

So I put it on my TODO list evenif I'm quite busy actually.


> Brian
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