Re: multi thread bug ?

On 2001.09.03 13:10 christophe barbe wrote:
> I've noticed something that is certainly a bug related to multi-thread.
> A few times ago I was used to launch balsa from gkrellm (a one process
> monitoring program).
> I've stop to do that for two reasons : Sometimes balsa freeze a few
> because it's father (gkrellm) do something in a busy manner (this is not
> balsa related). And sometimes balsa doesn't start when I click on the
> button.
> The second is balsa related and I discovered (not explained) it yesterday
> by doing a "ps -auxf".
> Gkrellm never launch the mail program if the previous one is still
> And balsa sometimes don't leave when you exit it. You can still see it in
> the process and one of its child is "defunc".
> It's hard to reproduce but it's clearly here. 

Odd. I was using gKrellM for some time with balsa (using the --checkmail
parameter, no less) and I had no problem at all with the combination.
gKrellM was smart enough to never do a multiple launch, and there were no
freezes. And balsa always started.

YMMV, I guess.

Raven (not the OTHER Raven, THAT Raven! :-)

And if love remains
Though everything is lost
We will pay the price
But we will not count the cost

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