multi thread bug ?

I've noticed something that is certainly a bug related to multi-thread.
A few times ago I was used to launch balsa from gkrellm (a one process
monitoring program).
I've stop to do that for two reasons : Sometimes balsa freeze a few seconds
because it's father (gkrellm) do something in a busy manner (this is not
balsa related). And sometimes balsa doesn't start when I click on the mail

The second is balsa related and I discovered (not explained) it yesterday
by doing a "ps -auxf".
Gkrellm never launch the mail program if the previous one is still active.
And balsa sometimes don't leave when you exit it. You can still see it in
the process and one of its child is "defunc".
It's hard to reproduce but it's clearly here. 

I use one IMAP mailbox. I can't said if the not-clean balsa exit is related
to IMAP mbox reading.

I don't know how to identify the guilty part of the code.


Christophe Barbé <>
GnuPG FingerPrint: E0F6 FADF 2A5C F072 6AF8  F67A 8F45 2F1E D72C B41E

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