Re: Help to import formats!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carlos Morgado" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: Help to import formats!

> No. Balsa handles properly the 3 mailbox formats (most) used in UNIX. I
> believe it can also be made to support a mbox like os/2 format if need be.
> All those formats are open and if you search google you'll find
> and software to handle them.

I'll searh!

> Outlook and other such MUAs use proprietary formats for which no
> documentation is available. Those formats are designed for user lock-in
> most atempts for compatibility are meet with hostility.

W Free Software!

> In fact, now might just be a crime in some less free countries (like USA)
> reverse engineer the formats or even access your email with a diferent
> program. Having your legal and lawful work be rewarded by InterPol is not
> nice.

I understand...

> Short: In my opinion, UNIX mailers shouldn't be forced to deal with broken
> proprietary formats.

Yes. But I was thinking about one article such as..."How import your windows
based mail": Outlook 5 --> Eudora 5.1 --> filter with eud2mbox...or
similar...It should be legal, I hope!
I found such an issue on the Web, but it wasn't completely clear (about
versions of Outlook and its formats: I've had search around to find
explanation..) or I misunderstood something...

> Good point. "Links to free yourself". pawel ? stuart ?

> Filters are scheduled for the next devel cycle. Be patient :)
> They are just a low priority as so much people already have working
> configurations :)

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