Re: silly feature re: collapsed threads

On 2001.10.25 07:28 Jules Bean wrote:
> I think three most likely things I'd want are:
> 1) Delete this message, and don't select another one at all.  Keep it
> selected but deleted, or make nothing selected.

This could be handled with a preference like:
   When I delete a message:
     [x] mark it as deleted
     [ ] move it to the trash
     [ ] really, irretrievably, delete it
I believe the infrastructure for the first option (trash-can icon, 
`deleted' message flag) is all in place; perhaps there's some reason I 
don't know of why it's not implemented.

> 2) Delete this message, move to next in this thread. Expand thread if
> it's not already visible.

My preference for the default/initial action.

> 3) Delete this message, move to next unread message (in any
> thread). Expand that thread if necessary.

Personally, I would not want this as the default/initial/only action: 
it would annoy the heck out of me to jump out of a thread after 
deleting or otherwise moving a message--the thread I was in might not 
even be visible any more!

> (3) is closest to the traditional unix approach.

...which I would usually regard as indicating an intelligent choice!

> Personally, I'd like (3) and (1) both available; perhaps as different
> key strokes.
> Jules

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