Re: Reflowing text

On 2001.10.22 05:55 Philip Van Hoof wrote:
> Since the CVS/1.2.1 release the items "Reflow Paragraph" and
> "Reflow Message" is diabled in the Edit menu of a new message.
> Will it be reenabled sooner or later ? I need this feature
> frequently :-\ (I know it was pretty buggy in 1.2.0)
> Philip van Hoof aka freax (
> irc: mailto:freax @

They're disabled when you're preparing a message with `format=flowed', 
because all paragraphs will be reflowed on sending.  You can preview 
that by using `Edit->Wrap body'.

Is there something useful that the `reflow' commands could do, in the 
context of f=f?


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