Fwd: Re: unbehave detected [PeterBloomfield MindSpring com]

On 2001.10.21 10:39 Willem Riede wrote:
> Hmmm... What I see is that when a new message arrives for a collapsed
> thread, it is counted in the mailbox 'unread' count, the mailbox name
> is displayed in color, but there is no indication in the message index
> window -- I have to click on the appropriate '+' widget to explode the
> thread so all messages show, then the new one will show up with the
> envelop icon. What is worse, the 'next unread' button doesn't go to
> new messages in collapsed threads, so I have to go explode all these
> threads until I by chance hit on the one that's got the new message.
> Not convenient :-(
> Thanks. WIllem Riede.

There's good news and bad news!  The good news is that version 1.2.1 
has some new code that will find an unread message when you hit the 
`Next unread' button (or menu item), even if it's not viewable.  The 
thread is expanded to reveal the new message.

The bad news is...it's not always the *next* unread message.  Due to an 
unfortunate oversight on my part (i.e., not testing the patch carefully 
enough!), Balsa starts looking one message ahead of where it should.  A 
patch to fix this should find its way into cvs shortly, and I've posted 
one at Bugzilla (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62737 id = 


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