Re: Building balsa on Tru64 UNIX (without pspell)

On 24 Nov, Carlos Morgado wrote:

>> I am working on a port of Balsa 1.2.3 to Compaq Tru64 UNIX 5.1 using the
>> Compaq cc / cxx compilers 6.4. My experiences up to now:
> ouch.
Yes. I wane die hard. ;-)
It's a question of enlarging my *ix horizon. I have worked with Linux
since kernel version 1.0.somthing, used FreeBSD 2.2 for a loooong time,
started to use NetBSD when I begun collecting *ix machines (at that time
1.3). NetBSD is running on most of my old iron (preferably VAXen) and it
is my favorite free *ix. I also have seen AIX and HP-UX. (Been there.
Seen that. Done it. Didn't want a T-shirt. ;-) ) The next adventure
will be Solaris and some historic 4.xBSD...

> on the last box compaq sent me they included cedes with gnome, gcc, gdb
> and all that stuff, 
Hmm. I only have two application CDs. They contain neat programms like
apache, perl 5.6, wu-ftp, procmail, ... but no GNOME stuff. (And who
wants gcc on an Alpha?)

> even rpm. 
RPM is a tool for wanebes. Real men compile software by themself. ;-)
Self compiling has also the effect that it teaches you. Especially if
you do it on an "exotic" OS. (Like Tru64 or 2.11BSD on a PDP11...)

> from the wording on the cedes i'd say you 
> should be able to download them from but i'm not sure.
I searched the web site but did not find any usefull hint.

>> Whe website mentions that pspell and libesmtp are absolutely required.
>> After spendig houres to get libesmtp compiled, I read in the FAQ that it
> make -k and mail brian the output :)
When I am back at home (I am visiting my parents over the weekend) I
will do somthing like
for a in `find . -name '*.orig'` ;do diff $a ${a%.*} ; done > evil_hacks
Most of my mods to libesmtp are not well done. But at least they will
point to problematic spots. 

>> One possible solution would be to make pspell optional for balsa.
> i tried to do that once, but it got nowhere for lack of time. 
> maybe it's time i do it for real :)
Uhh. Is it that hard to get rid of it?

The other way would be to mod pspell not to use "fmtflags". This may be
not too hard, as that is only used once. Unfortunately I don't know
what "fmtflags" does and C++ is a foreign language for me...
It seems that it is time for me to by a book about C++ and be my own
teacher once again...

> errrrr. *blink* mutt *does* compile on du, and CONTEXT comes from mutt.
> i'm kind of aloss
I know that mutt compiles on Tru64, as I installed it. The problem comes
with pthread.h. This includes pthread_exception.h, that includes
excpt.h (or somthing like that) that exports "CONTEXT".
I had similar problems with gnome-vfs. I could not get it compiled
while GIMP was no real problem. Finaly I found a name conflict with a
system header that does a #define leave __some_stuff... GIMP doesn't
include that header but gnome-vfs...

>> Be prepared to receive a buch of patches.
> ah. coments in unified diff format. my favorite :)
Uhh. Sorry. The Tru64 diff does not support the unified diff format.
But I will be kind and use /usr/local/bin/diff aka GNU-diff... ;-)



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