Re: RFC mailbox interface

Em Qui, 22 Nov 2001 09:57:25 M . Thielker escreveu:
> On 2001.11.22 01:33 Carlos Morgado wrote:
>> err, where do you get pop3 from if your disconnected ? :) dial and diferent
>> server ? or you're fetching from the same server ? that strikes me as daft.
> I connect once per day from the hotel room, download all pop3 mail, then 
> disconnect again.

why don't you just connect via imap ?

>>> If the IMAP server is the server that's used to receive mail, that may be 
>>> so. If, on the other hand, email is received by pop3, the by far more 
>>> common way, and only filed into IMAP, for shared availability, the shadow 
>>> would automatically have the proper content.
>> how so ?
> Because every email received would be placed in the shadow at the time it's 
> uploaded to the server, so they'd stay in sync.
how do you know it's the same message if they came from diferent servers ?

>>> Of course, but again defeats the main purpose. If Balsa would allow 
>>> handling IMAP folders the way M$ handles MAPI, that would be a major 
>>> breakthrough in unix email clients.
>> pray tell, how is MAPI so revolutionary ?
> MAPI isn't. Functionality like MAPI just simply doesn't exist on the Linux 
> desktop yet. The revolutionary thing would be that functionality. Accessing 
> Exchange server folders through MAPI is just an added bonus that could get 
> more people to switch to Linux.

You still didn't explain what's so great about MAPI ...
>>> Well, all I'm really saying is that the _library_ should _not_ make that 
>>> assumption, but give the option to choose to the _client_! If the email 
>>> client decides to treat a VFolder as a view, all it needs to do is to 
>>> delete the message from all VFolders first, then from the real folder. 
>>> That
>> how do you intend to do this in a way that doesn't blow dead bears ?
> By, as I outlined before, exposing the lists of message to folder and 
> folder to messages to the programmer as part of the API. That will let the 
> email client's programmer find the most efficient way to deal with it.

aren't this lists O(n^2) ?
>> huau, you just described evolution. you forgot to mention the bonobo
>> bits though, and that turns into an abomination like openssl user
>> interaction
> No. To me, Bonobo is like M$ OLE - something to avoid if possible. I'm 
> thinking of a far more simple interface, one designed to do just one thing 
> and do it well, not one to try and do everything - by halves.

in this case it would allow the backend to provide a config object that the
UI would Control and avoid the kludginess of an abstract definition of
what the user needs to input and how the dialog looks like.
>> you don't even need that. your magic lib gives you an index and you
>> play with that. virtual or real is only a mather of backing store.
> The app needs to know if it's virtual or real because it needs to treat 
> virtual ones differently, should it choose to treat a folder as a database 
> view. In that case it needs to walk the folder list and delete the message 
> from any folder that's virtual _before_ deleting it from a folder that has

that is, just removing it from the index right ?

> a backing store. Failing to do so would, in this concept, cause te message 
> to be loaded into memory from the backing store when the last on-disk copy 
> is deleted.
hum. cache coherency.
what if the message disapears from under our feet ? how do you garantee all 
views learn about it ?

>> I sugest you look at Camel. it does all this (and then more prolly)
>> i doubt it fits anyone's definition of simple. i'm sure everyone
>> will be very thankfull if you can simplify it.
> Well, isn't the Camel's back broken? Anyway, that means Bonobo again, long 
> app startup times, heaps of disk accesses and screwy interfaces, doesn't it?

humm, no. camel handles all mail stuff including imap quircks and
disconnected mode. fun reading if you like twisted sick stuff

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the 
universe." -- Carl Sagan

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