Re: clickable urls

Hi Gaelyne,

thanks for sending me your exapmle. The reason for this bug is that I did not
think about URL's which are longer than a line. The gtk_text widget wraps
them, but *I* do not remember the correct "hot regions" for the URL's. And, of
course, I did not re-calculate the positions after a resize event (you may
remember that I try to find the regions in pixels as gtk_text does...).
I am already working on a solution, but it might take a week or so until I can
post a solution. I travel to an observing run to a telescope in the us next
week, but I think I should find some time there.

So stay tuned, and thanks again,


Am 24.05.2001 09:29:50 schrieb(en) Gaelyne Gasson:
> I found a bit of a "bug" with the clickable URLs and messages that contain
> long
> lists of URLs, line after line.
> I receive daily messages with our web stats in them, and the ability to
> click
> on a questionable URL is great.  However, I noticed that if I click on a URL
> in
> the middle of the list, it actually sends the URL for another link - and not
> just one above or below the one selected, but at least a few below or above.
    Albrecht Dreß  -  Monschauer Straße 22  -  D-53121 Bonn (Germany)
      Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -  E-Mail

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