Re: [PATCH (partial)] menu text and po files...

On 2001.05.27 05:34 Gordon Oliver wrote:
>    I suspect that the correct fix is to modify the .po
> file the way I did, and then fix the popup menu to
> use the (slightly more correct) drop down menu
> spellings...

I think it is best to try first talk with Spanish i18n team to synchornize
efforts. If they do not respond, feel free to send the po file to the list,
it will get eventually commited. Generally, we try not to interfere with
the translation teams.


>    If no one else is doing this, I can do it... somebody
> let me know (I can also modify all the .po files to 
> do the right thing...). A question though: is there a
> "proper" way to update the .po files?
Pawel Salek,

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