Re: libesmtp??

On Thu, 24 May 06:57 brokkolo wrote:
| installed balsa 1.1.5
| i've been trying to understand how to set up libesmtp to work but with
| no clue so far...
| as i understand the difference is that i will send my mail to my isp
| account and have it sent from there??
| is this correct??

This is an option.

| i like the ability to change the sender address (can i still do
| this??).

It depends (as before) on the rules your local MTA uses to determine
whether it will relay mail from one domain to another.  When the
MTA is sendmail, the only difference is that mail is submitted to
it via its SMTP server instead of its standard input.

| and besides all this i can not send my mail:
| thought that leaving it on localhost:25 woud use my local MTA but i
| keep getting errors.

Your localhost should normally be running sendmail as a daemon as
most comtemporary Un*x/Linux systems do.  If so, the SMTP server will
be available on port 25.  Have you checked that sendmail is running
or is started via inetd?

If you are using Balsa in an organisation, especially if behind a
firewall, you will need to use that organisation's MTA for mail
submission.  If the firewall blocks access to port 25 on internet
hosts, even sendmail will struggle unless its configured to use
a smarthost.  If sendmail uses a smarthost, configure Balsa to
submit mail to the smarthost.

Bear in mind that Netscape Messenger and many other contemporary
mail user agents use SMTP for mail submission.  All that has changed
in Balsa is that it now uses the same mechanism.  If you have a 
working configuration for Netscape,  configure Balsa to use the same

Another possibility is that the submission MTA requires authentication.
Enter your username and password if so.  Bear in mind that the
user name may or may not be the same as your email address, e.g.
you might need to omit the '@some.domain' suffix.

Another caveat.  Mail submission is different to mail relay and
standards in this area have changed recently.  Among other things
a new port (587) has been defined to allow a MTA to distinguish
submission from relay.  libESMTP uses port 587 by default, so unless
you have a modern mail configuration you will need to specify the
:25 suffix on the hostname.

| where can i find a little info on how to use my own mta in balsa 1.1.5
| or is there a way of compiling balsa without esmtp support?
| all i see is --with-esmtp (but the default is already to yes???? no
| way out?)

Try --without-esmtp or --with-esmtp=no.  This is normal ./configure

| thanx a lot
| brokkolo
| ps: could the url regexp work eaven for something like 
| (without http:// ) ???
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