Re: Crasher Mail

On 2001.04.30 22:13 Julian M Catchen wrote:
> All,
> I am attaching an email that I received on one of the mailing lists that I
> am subscribed to.  For whatever reason, when I try to view this message,
> balsa eats it big time and I have to kill it.
> Could someone try viewing it and confirm this (and maybe explain it)? It
> looks like a regular, non-html mail to me.
> Thanks,
> julian
> -- 
> j. m. c a t c h e n | (t o p e k a)
>           p  h  x ,  a  z 
> j u l i a n @ c a t c h e n . o r g
> c a t c h e n . o r g / t o p e k a

Nothing happened to me. I'am using balsa 1.1.4

                                 ______  _____________
 Marcelo Ramos                  |      \/       __    |
 Debian 2.3 GNU/Linux 2.2.19    |              |_/    /
 Linux registered user #118109  |                    \       |_____|\/|_____|\_____\

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