Fwd: Balsa bug fix: spell checker (regular expression adapted toaccentued characters)


I forward this from someone who wrote directly to me...

Ian Campbell
Churchill College, Cambridge.
Watching: World Championship Snooker (BBC2)

Hi !

I've searched many hours to correct a bug in balsa-1.0.0 :

When balsa was checking mail contents in french, it had the following problems :
it selected "tortur" against "torturé", "dévou" againt "dévoué", so
if the last char of the word was accentued, it did not "see" it.

So I searched a new regular expression to fix the problem, in the function :
  static gboolean next_word(BalsaSpellCheck * spell_check)
in the file spell-check.c
I've replaced :
    const gchar *new_word_regex = "\\<[[:alpha:]]'*\\>"; /* accent problems */
  with :
    const gchar *new_word_regex = "([[:alpha:]'])*";
And now, balsa selects correctly the words to check.

So, if you think it works fine, I'd like you to replace the regexp with
the one wich works wich accentued chars.

I think Balsa developpement team does good work ...

Happy hacking !


Gilles Foucault
8 rue de l'Angélus, 38120 Saint-Egrève
phone: +33 04 76 75 31 46
email: gilles.foucault@wanadoo.fr

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