Re: libESMTP 0.8

On Thu, 14 June 14:02 Pawel Salek wrote:

| I have just asked a question out of curiosity, I hope I did it
| politely.


| > Frankly, snide comments and torrents of abuse such as those seen
| > on the list this morning do nothing to encourage me to improve the
| > Balsa interface.  ...
| You do not have to worry about it. libesmtp is here to stay, at least
| as long as I am in charge of balsa :-).

I felt it was a point that needed to be made.

I'm sure that there other developers of free software out there who
have walked away from projects because of similar ad-hominem attacks.
Basically, we are giving away the results of our work and the only
reward for doing so is the glory.  If a developer moves on to other
tasks and a project dies as result, the entire free software
community has suffered at the hands of a few loud mouths.
It would be better for all of us who volunteer our time to making
better free programs if the profane and abusive remained quiet.

Who needs Microsoft to rubbish the open source movement when it
is quite capable of being self destructive?


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