Descending IMAP trees

This patch, against today's CVS, reflects an attempt to improve IMAP
support in Balsa, to allow Balsa to manage an entire IMAP folder tree. 

Because IMAP allows subfolders in mailboxes, Balsa's assumption that only
leaves can be mailboxes had to be dropped, and this required changes
outside just the IMAP code. Balsa's treatment of parts of a tree where
mailboxes do occur only as leaves should be unchanged, but I haven't been
able to test this.

The INBOX folder appears twice (at least in my tests with a Cyrus server),
because that's the way the libmutt IMAP browser sees the tree.  Other
folders appear only once, functioning both as nodes with expand/collapse
icons and as mailboxes.

All comments and suggestions welcome.



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