Re: bug 2

On 2001.06.04 13:22:07 +0200 Brian Stafford wrote:
> On Sat,  2 June 09:27 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> | sine i use --with-esmtp=no i think i am able using
> | the old way of sending emails. i dont want to install
> | another crappy library for sending some emails. any
> | ideas howto fix that problem ?
> I like to think libESMTP is rather good, however there
> is always room for improvement.
> I'd appreciate a list of the ways in which libESMTP is
> crappy, then I can set about improving it so that it's no
> longer quite so crappy.


nono its not crappy because of its functionality. i just
hated the idea having another library installed to use
balsa. i liked the old way pretty much. but now that its
compiled and installed here on my system, i can live with
it now.. the only annoyance is that balsa depends on another
library. thats all.

i really like the idea of having this:

- optionally old SMTP as it used to be in balsa
- optionally new ESMTP
- optionally SENDMAIL

the old SMTP was quite ok for me. did its job best. i cant
see any improved USAGABILITY for me now that i was forced
to ESMTP maybe you can clear me up.

only fact is that balsa causes more problems than before
because it rather often stores the mail in the queue instead
throwing the mail out. i need to select 'send queue mail'
really often in the past days.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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