Request Feature

I've just installed balsa 1.1.5 and i'm beggining to like it enough to quit
mutt for good.

I read in the homepage that Balsa is very much alike Eudora in someways and
i was wondering if there was any intension to add to it's features one that
a friend of mine that uses Eudora (I do not use Windows) discribed to me,
which is the one that enables you to have various aliases, ie, different
SMTP servers/accounts for different purposes.
I mean, if I have different POP accounts, I would like to be able to select
a different configuration to my headers and my smtp server so that I may
reply to the messages I receive from those different accounts.

I think this is it.


Cristina Nunes <>
Novis - Dir. Rede - ISP - Infraes. Portal <>
Ed. Atrium Saldanha - Pça. Dq. de Saldanha, 1, 7º / 1050 - 094 Lisboa
tel: +351 21 0104400/79 - fax: +351 21 0104301


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