Re: PATCH: IMAP flag handling and new mail notification

On 2001.07.14 20:08 Carlos Morgado wrote:
> Em Sáb, 14 Jul 2001 14:06:30 M . Thielker escreveu:
> > Hi,
> > 
> >  here's one that _really_ ought to go into CVS.
> > 
> > Fixes:
> > - Message flags "Seen", "Answered" and "Flagged" are lost when
> >   a message is moved into an IMAP folder
> no, they're not
> > - Messages freshly moved into IMAP folders, but never opened from
> >   there will appear as new messages the next time Balsa starts
> no, they're not

They are on my Cyrus server.

> i'm using wu-imapd (imap-2000-2.6 from rh6.2) what are you using ?
> peter, can you shed some light ?


I've seen this behavior with Cyrus IMAP, but never understood it. Move a
message into an IMAP folder, either from another such or from a local
mailbox, and it is seen as new--not instantly, but the next time the
mailboxes are checked.

I've applied this patch to today's CVS tree, and it does indeed fix one
problem: a message transferred into an IMAP mailbox now does show up with
the right flags. 

However, if the mailbox is closed, the next time it's checked the style is
still changed to show unread messages, even though there aren't any when I
open it. This change of style also shows up when I transfer messages
between local mailboxes, so the problem seems to be deeper than IMAP.


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