More about prefs


wow, now that one really started me off. Here's another thing for prefs:

[x] Confirm identity to when sending
[       ] Time to remember last identity used

When I write emails, I usually do it in batches. I write 5 emails to balsa,
3 to another list and 5 replies to personal mail. Then someone else does
their emails, and so on.

Everytime I hit "compose", it comes up with the default identity selected.
I'd rather have balsa remember the last identity used and use that as a
default when a new message is started. On "reply", it should check if the
address the original email is addressed to matches any address in the
identities list and use tha appropriate one if found. If there's more than
one identity using that email address, and one is the last used identity,
it should be used silently while otherwise a list of the matching
identities should be offered for selection.

After no message has been composed for a certain, customizable amount of
time, the identity box should be offered and an identity selected by the
user when a new message is started.

In situations where people use the same computer and the same login, but
have different email addresses, a lot of mistakes could be avoided.

I would have already started coding it but for the fact that my last prefs
change was frowned upon..... that's the way to discourage and drive away
people with ideas...

I think that the goal should be to put _in_ anything that _might_ be useful
to _someone_, not just the bare necessities all can agree on. Whom are we
writing this program for? Just ourselves, or all the others out there who
can't write one themselves?


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