feature request

Good Day folks,

I decided to give balas another change as my mail client after having
troubles with evolution.  I enjoy using balas more, since it is simple and
qorks quicker for me.  I am watching the gpg discusion, but have not tried
them myself.  I will wait until they make it into a release.
  One thing I did enjoy about evolution, that I used all the time, was the
feature of have more then one mailing address.  I, like a growning number
of people, have more then one address, one for work another for personal
..etc..  I was thinking if the user had more then one emails entered in the
prefs. then the From: address could be a editable drop down list to select
them from.  I am also afreid that I will type in my from address wrong when
I change it to my work address.
  This other thing I notice which is not really a feature request, but it
is the way it writes to the mailboxes.  I use exim as my local mail server,
and it sorts the mail directly into my maildir.  This means balsa does not
retrieve any mail, it is put into the mailboxes directly.  I noticed that
When exiting balsa it does NOT overwite my new mail, which is very good. 
However, if I commit current then balsa DOES overwrite any new mail to that
directory.  I would think that a desired effect might be a dialog saying
that there is new mail or the mail file has been modified since last read? 
I have learned to not use commit current, but I always do a double take
when reading from another mail client (like pine, mutt, or mail -f ..).
  I also like the idea of the title bar of the New message to display the
subject too.  As another user suggested.

I would try and hack balsa myself, but I do not have much pratice in that,
and I think other would enjoy this feature too.

Thats for the wonderfull client.

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