all mails are saved in /tmp

Hello balsa-list,

  i dunno if it is a miss config of my self, but all mails i received
  were found in /tmp named mutt-*. The Big problem for me is, i'm not
  the only user on the system and all this mutt files are readable for
  everybody. i tried it two times and it's sure, every user on the
  system can read them if they're lookin' into the /tmp dir.
  i dunno too if this is a known bug, tell me if it is so.

  And there's another thing, why is the balsa client testing something
  like ld -lltdl. i only get errors with that, and if i delete this
  thing from the makefile everything (install/balsa) works fine.
  many of  my friends got errors with that too...

  allright, listen to you...

Best regards,

"Wir Ärtze erkennen einen hoffnungslosen Fall
auf den ersten Blick, wenn - he, hör mal zu,
ich kenne da ein verdammt gutes Universum,
gleich nebenan, nichts wie hin."
- e.e. cummings, "pity this monster, manukind."

"Nicht ehe das Männliche weiblich und das Weibliche
männlich wird, sollt ihr das himmlische Königreich
erlangen." -Jesus, Thomas Evangelium

"Im Kapitalismus beutet der Mensch den Menschen aus. Im
Sozialismus ist es genau umgekehrt."      -Ben Tucker

"Celebrate Hannibal Day this year. Take an elephant to lunch."
- unknown

"Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your mouth to frown, but only 4 muscles in your arm to smack the mutha fucka upside the head!!!!!"
- quit msg in undernet

"Your mouse has moved. Please restart Windows for the changes to take effect!!!"
- quit msg in efnet

"To stay youthful, stay useful."
- found on a page

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