Re: Gnome themes and Balsa

On 2001.01.12 14:01:14 +0000 Fernan Aguero wrote:


> I've been using sawfish for some time with theme CoolIce and
> sawfish-theme microGUI. Balsa works OK (scrolling text in the preview
> pane is OK). 
> Yesterday I changed my theme to BeOS (and kept the microGUI sawfish
> theme). Now scrolling in Balsa is slow, and I notice how CPU usage
> increments drastically just by doing PgUp or PgDown. I tried several
> others (eMac, LCARS, LightSpeed) and found that no one gives me speed
> again.
> Is this something that you are aware of?
> What combinations of wm, wm-theme and theme work OK for you?

gtk text box basicly sucks with heavy pixmap themes. it afects all apps,
just balsa. 
try using one of the brushed themes and then changing to the default theme.

i read a similar mozilla bugreport where with a given theme i forget you 
could actually see the text being redrawn on the input boxes as if you were

using a 1200 baud vt100

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey:
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