Re: temporary mutt-files

On 2001-02-22 08:03 Reychman Felix wrote:
> I've noticed that balsa saves some temporary files in /tmp/.
> Most of these files have the rights -rw-------, which is just fine,
> (root can read my mail anyway!), but some of them have the right set
> to -rw-rw-r-- which is not by far as fine, since anyone who wishes to
> can read my mail. 

The /tmp/mutt-* files are temporary files created by libmutt backend.
They obviously should always have 0600 privileges, this bug should be
investigated closely.

> Also, after a while those files become quite numerous.

My fault (at least partially). In my case, these files contain cached
IMAP messages and they should be removed when the session is closed. I
think I know how to fix it.


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