Re: Maildir operation (etc)

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Geoff Everist wrote:
> First up, grats to the Balsa team on a very nice looking MUA. It seems to
> have just the right footprint/functionality balance. It is easily the best
> X based mailer I have tried so far (and I have tried a few).


> This has worked very well so far, however it has brought up some issues
> with the Maildir implementation. When I set this up, I deleted
> ~/.gnome/balsa, and went through the druid setup. Instead of using the
> default directories for the inbox, etc, I specified the Maildir
> directories. Balsa seems to have handled this OK according to the
> ~/.gnome/balsa file, however the cur, tmp amd new directories appear as
> folders in the Mailbox list. There is also a mailbox called sqwebmail-sig
> which has no corresponding entry in the ~/.gnome/balsa file, and
> corresponds to an file that resides in ~/Maildir (obviously required by
> sqwebmail). Is there any way to get rid of these folders and mailbox from
> the Mailbox list (using delete does not work)? 

If I understand your problem correctly, the simplest way to get rid of the
cur/ new/ and tmp/ directories would be to change your Inbox from ~/Maildir
to ~/Maildir/inbox.  It is trivial to have qmail deliver by default to the
different mailbox (I use a simple procmail rule for example), and it
simplifies things immensely.  Balsa has trouble interperting mailboxes
within mailboxes, as semantically it makes very little sense (especially
with anything other than Maildir mailboxes).  

As for the sqweb file, Balsa is again parsing the folder structure and
automatically assuming it to be a mailbox.  There should probably be a way
to mark files as non-mailbox so they can be ignored, but at present it isn't
possible.  The best solution is to move it out of the way into another
directory (i.e. not under ~/Maildir).



Matthew Guenther                          Brook's Law:                        	Adding manpower to a late        	software project makes it

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