Re: cannot send mail from balsa (rh linux 7.2)

On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 07:52:45AM +0100, Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> a) get a new balsa version libESMTP version FAQ relating to permissions
> b) get a newof mailboxes our balsa is compiled using libESMTP and that
> c) read the it doesn't unresolvable library errors sa preferences
> d) look if yand check if you get something where you can MTP info
>    cause anywhile entering add a :25 after it ike
> e) go to in that field. if you don't get these he r
>    enter youStmaintainer of that RPM package probably compiled it g s
>    this looklsendmail. in this case better get the correct RPM's from en
>    fields thpage since configuring sendmail could be a pain. m and run
>    against usinbalsa through that xterm and watch the output when il.
>    balsa's homemaybe you get output like 'xxxxxxx require all recipients
> f) open xterwords you should care for is 'require all recipients' if p
>    sending amathen your libesmtp isn't compiled using these functions.
>    blah xxxxx' visit balsa's homepage and get the correct library.

crap :) mutt and par fscked up.... and here the translation

a) get a new balsa version on balsa's homepage.
b) get a new libESMTP version on balsa's homepage.
c) read the FAQ relating to file and directory permissions.
d) go to the preferences of balsa and check if you can enter smtp
   informations. e.g. if you can then append a :25 behind
   this information. this will look like then if you
   don't get this smtp fields in the prefs, or can't find them then it
   may be that balsa was compiled for sendmail support. in this case you
   definately want to do a) and b) since configuring sendmail could be
   a pain.
e) open xterm and and run balsa through xterm and look if you get some
   information about 'xxxx require all recipients xxxx' at least some
   of these keywords when trying to send. if so then it's because your
   libesmtp doesn't have these functions compiled in. in this case b) is
   valid for your too.
f) i know there was a f) but i can't remember anymore.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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