Re: libesmtp rpms - Outbox still driving me crazy . . Solved - Bug?

On 2001.08.29 15:12 Philip Rhoades wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was having trouble moving from v1.1.4 to versions 1.1.7 - 1.2preX and libesmtp 
> 0.8.4 where sent items would just get stuck in the outbox and never go anywhere.
> With suggestions from Brian Stafford I eventually got to the stage of trying a fresh 
> install on another computer (RH7.1) - and this worked!.
> After this positive result I went back to the non-working setup and ran X and balsa as 
> root and this also worked!  So it was nothing to do with my workstation 
> specifically.  Then I renamed my .gnome dir and started with a new desktop 
> environment and resetup balsa - this also worked.  Then I restored my original 
> desktop and kept the new .gnome/balsa file and this worked as well.
> I have done a diff on the old and new balsa config files and the relevent bits seem to 
> be:
> 106,107c110,111
> < Clean=2
> < Suspicious=2
> ---
>>   Clean=1
>>   Suspicious=0
> 110,112c114,116
> < SMTP=true
> <
> < SMTPPort=25
> ---
>>   ESMTPUser=phil
>>   ESMTPPassphrase=
> 116,119d119
> <
> < ESMTPUser=phil
> < ESMTPPassphrase=
> < AlwaysQueueSentMail=1
> 120a121
>>   AlwaysQueueSentMail=0
> It looks like the stuff that starts with SMTP shouldn't be there anymore? - remember 
> I was just using the existing environment that was working for balsa 1.1.4 .
> Brian thinks it might be a bug in Balsa.
> Regards,
> Phil.

If I were a betting person, my money would be on port 587 (submission) vs. 25 (smtp). 
For instance, the last time I checked my ISP's mail machine, it didn't respond on 587, 
and yours probably doesn't either.


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