Re: Identities and Bcc:

Hi Brian, I felt like I should comment...since the last time the BCC
header came up on the list, it was because of a problem I was having.

On 2001.08.29 05:56 Brian Stafford wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just messing around with some of the settings in identities and
> noticed that
> the Bcc: field isn't, I feel, showing the desired behaviour.

I'm hoping that the problems you're seeing aren't "features" that I'm
seeing <g>. I don't use identities, but BCC seems to work (right out
of the tarball) for the first time in Balsa.

> I'm presuming that the intent is for the message sender to mail a
> personal copy
> of the letter to a suitable mailbox.  Unfortunately, this is not
> what Bcc:,
> as described in RFC 2822 and implemented in Balsa, does.  Basically
> Bcc: is
> the wrong mechanism for this purpose.

I've thought that too...The Fcc header that Jules Bean mentioned may
be more appropriate. Even though, I've just made use of the Sentbox
for this purpose.
> Ideally, the Bcc recipients listed in the identity are not added
> directly to
> the message's bcc: list.  The algorithm should be as follows:
> if the message has bcc recipients, add the identity's bcc recipient
> to the
> Bcc: copy of the message.  That way the message sender gets the
> message
> with the Bcc: header intact.  If there are no bcc recipients add the
> identity's
> bcc recipients to the normal copy of the message.

So, you're NOT questioning the method of sending BCC messages
normally....just when used within an Identities configuration right?

Just to recap, my (now fixed) old problem.

Apparently, in previous versions of Balsa, Balsa would add the Bcc
header to ALL copies of the email...including to the people listed in
the To: header. I believe you fixed the problem by telling Balsa to
ONLY append the Bcc: header, when sending the message to Bcc:
recipients, and not to append it when seding to To: recipients. This
of course, forces Balsa to send emails that contain Bcc headers TWICE.
Once for the To: recipients, and once for the Bcc: recipients.

Once again, you're not questioning THIS methodology are you?

BTW, thanks again for helping me with this problem.
Eric Dexter
The Wichita Eagle
Network/System Admin

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