Re: BUG: Major problem, data loss

On Thu, 23 August 10:16 Carlos Morgado wrote:
> On 2001.08.23 10:12:27 +0100 Brian Stafford wrote:
> > 
> > I looked at the code once.  Just the once, it scared me off.  Still,
> > at least it's not as ugly as sendmail's code.
> > 
> the consensual reply to "cyrus imap broke" seems to be "obviously" :\
> i was rather hoping someone was an expert on how to break cyrus and we
> could look for clues there ;)

;-)  I'm running cyrus imapd so if anyone can create a message to break it,
I'll give it a shot.  To be fair to it, though I've been running it for about
18 months with no problems.  Very much an install and forget operation.
I also use M$ exchange's IMAP, so I'll try the fatal message with both and
see what happens.


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