Re: BUG: Major problem, data loss

On 2001.08.22 21:58:50 +0200 M . Thielker wrote:
> I am using SMTP. The string is contained in cyrus imapd and appears there
> because I am using an IMAP sentbox.
> Apparently, libbalsa_message_queue uses mutt_write_fcc to writ ethe message
> to the outbox first, then to the fccbox. That second invocation of
> mutt_write_fcc caused the message, but the email should, at that time, have
> already been written to the outbox. So chances are good that it actually did
> go out and I just lost my local copy.
> However, this points to a problem in formatting messages for storage in
> IMAP, probably another case of not quoting strings that may contain spaces.

ahh hold...

now i understand... yes this might be the problem that happened some weeks
ago aswell. its not because the message got overlenght or something its because
the FROM: TO: headers contained some shit. e.g. some months ago i created and
sent some emails and i wasnt able to sent them out because i got some info about
junk ... dunno anymore .... and the mails were lost. i wasnt able to figure out
this and then i sent the emails through sentmail with the same issue but after
verifying the headers of the mail, in the spool directory, ive detected they
were broken or something. they contained some binary shit... i always thought
this was seriously nailed down but i am not sure but this may be the problem ?

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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