Re: PATCH: don't include text/html in reply, ...

Am 22.08.2001 22:10:41 schrieb(en) Brian Stafford:
> Nah!  The RFCs in question are RFC 2045 - 2049.  RFC 2046, which defines
> multipart/alternative, states that alternative renedrings of the same
> document
> are ordered from least preferred to most preferred.
> There is no requirement for a text/plain part to be present.  The only
> requirement
> on a document is that it conforms to RFC 2822 and MIME.

Bad news... I guess I mixed up something in my brain.

> Right, now I've got fact out of the way - HTML mail is shite, not to put too
> fine a point on it.

Maybe this is a problem of people coming form a university/science
environment, where content is more important than 17 different colors and 9
fonts in one mail... But I know *lots* of people who still use elm or pine
(the latter one is actually quite smart). 

> Sadly back to the world of fact; I occasionally see references by some to
> HTML mail being non-standard.  Sadly, those who say that are wrong.  There

Sorry, again... I always think of a *better* world ;-)) IMHO, this is just a
flaw in the RFCs, as some "backward compatibility" might be a good idea. Just
*not* to exclude all the happy pine, elm, SUN mailtool, ... users from email

Anyway, maybe we can live with the *option* to ignore html stuff (as in the
second patch).



    Albrecht Dreß  -  Monschauer Straße 22  -  D-53121 Bonn (Germany)
      Phone (+49) 228 6199571  -

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