Re: pre-connect and smtp ?

On Mon, 20 August 12:44 christophe barbé wrote:
> Le lun, 20 aoû 2001 13:33:11, Brian Stafford a écrit :
> > Either check the MTA's documentation or telnet on 25
> > or 587
> > when the server prints the greeting, say :-
> > 
> > 	ehlo
> > 
> > The server should respond with a list of supported extensions.
> > "quit" will exit the session.
> I got :
> 250-SIZE 10240000
> 250-ETRN
> 250 8BITMIME
> So Imagine I can do it.
> > > Is there some documentation on how to use it with balsa ?
> >
> > No configuration required.  If the server supports the extension,
> > libESMTP
> > will use it if necessary.
> I will try it.

OK there is a small issue I mentioned last week on the list.  I need to patch
the balsa code to tell it to use STARTTLS.  By default libESMTP does not
attempt to use STARTTLS even if the server offers the extension.

I will try and write this code as soon as possible.  Mainly it is to offer
a "use TLS" option in the server configuration dialogue selectable as
Never/If possible/Always (like in netscape).

Meanwhile, the following patch will do what is necessary.  It's the equivalent
of the "use TLS if Possible" option always enabled.


Index: libbalsa/send.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/balsa/libbalsa/send.c,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -r1.123 send.c
--- libbalsa/send.c     2001/08/16 15:54:21     1.123
+++ libbalsa/send.c     2001/08/20 11:55:38
@@ -459,6 +459,9 @@
     session = smtp_create_session ();
     smtp_set_server (session, smtp_server);
+    /* Tell libESMTP it can use the SMTP STARTTLS extension.  */
+    smtp_starttls_enable (session, Starttls_ENABLED);
     /* Now tell libESMTP it can use the SMTP AUTH extension.  */
     smtp_auth_set_context (session, smtp_authctx);

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