Re: pre-connect and smtp ?

On Mon, 20 August 12:03 christophe barbé wrote:
> Le lun, 20 aoû 2001 12:50:56, Brian Stafford a écrit :
> > On Sun, 19 August 20:36 christophe barbe wrote:
> > > Yes as Melanie said it, It's not really about encryption it's more
> > about
> > > port forwarding.
> > 
> > Well, see my comments about port forwarding in my other reply on this
> > topic.
> > 
> Done and I fully understand that it is not an acceptable solutiobn from the
> securrity point of view.


> > I can see why you'd want to do this with POP or IMAP, but there doesn't
> > seem to be a lot of reason to do it for SMTP except perhaps for
> > authenticated relay.  But then SMTP has all the necessary AUTH and
> > facilities in the protocol.  Use a server that provides these instead of
> > using a hack.  LibESMTP provides the support and it works.
> How can I check if my smtp server support it ?

Either check the MTA's documentation or telnet on 25 or 587
when the server prints the greeting, say :-


The server should respond with a list of supported extensions.
"quit" will exit the session.

> Is there some documentation on how to use it with balsa ?

No configuration required.  If the server supports the extension, libESMTP
will use it if necessary.

Brian Stafford

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