Re: pre-connect and smtp ?

Le lun, 20 aoû 2001 12:50:56, Brian Stafford a écrit :
> On Sun, 19 August 20:36 christophe barbe wrote:
> > Yes as Melanie said it, It's not really about encryption it's more
> about
> > port forwarding.
> Well, see my comments about port forwarding in my other reply on this
> topic.

Done and I fully understand that it is not an acceptable solutiobn from the
securrity point of view.

> > The use I have in mind is the following: 
> > You've an account on a machine with an associated mail account. You can
> > only use this account on local. You set up a ssh port forwarding with a
> > pre-connect script and then you can use it as a local one. You use the
> same
> > mechanism to login on your remote account and to set up your port
> > forwarding. With ssh-agent this is a very appealing solution. 
> I can see why you'd want to do this with POP or IMAP, but there doesn't
> seem to be a lot of reason to do it for SMTP except perhaps for
> authenticated relay.  But then SMTP has all the necessary AUTH and
> facilities in the protocol.  Use a server that provides these instead of
> using a hack.  LibESMTP provides the support and it works.

How can I check if my smtp server support it ?
Is there some documentation on how to use it with balsa ?

> > btw I can't follow you on MTA and encryption. I've not enough knowledge
> in
> > this domain but I'm not sure to be able to set up a ssmtp config. 
> > 
> > But I can't agree that ssh doesn't provide you real privacy. If you use
> a
> > machine on a local network, everybody (with local root access) can
> easily
> > spy you (he only needs to set his network interface in promiscuous
> mode).
> > With port forwarding you secure your data up to a outside network where
> > data becomes more difficult to gather.
> STARTTLS is the correct solution for this.
> > A normal user can't set up a private port forwarding in inetd (or i'm
> wrong
> > ?). 
> My mistake.
> > Under balsa we only need (in send.c) to execute (blindly) the
> pre-connect
> > command at the process_queue beginning.
> Use Melanie's solution: wrap balsa and the port forwarder with a script.

I would be interresting in seeing this script.

> Brian Stafford

Thank you,

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Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer -
Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
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