PATCH: Compose Coordinates *FINAL*


since christophe barbe mentioned some -Werror problems
during compile, here is another reworked version. hope
this solves all unbehaves (i hope).

you need a more or less recent CVS to use this patch.
this patch is of its own and affects the file


please test, if there are still issues then please let
me know (preferabely with 1-2 comments of howto solve)

thank you.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
--- /mnt/private/temp/cvstree/balsa/src/sendmsg-window.c	Sun Aug 19 21:53:33 2001
+++ balsa/src/sendmsg-window.c	Mon Aug 20 11:12:51 2001
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@
+GnomeAppBar *appbar2;
 static gchar *read_signature(BalsaSendmsg *msg);
 static gint include_file_cb(GtkWidget *, BalsaSendmsg *);
 static gint send_message_cb(GtkWidget *, BalsaSendmsg *);
@@ -118,6 +120,8 @@
 static void sw_size_alloc_cb(GtkWidget * window, GtkAllocation * alloc);
+static gint balsa_key_press_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data);
 /* Standard DnD types */
 enum {
@@ -1160,6 +1164,12 @@
     GtkWidget *table;
     msg->text = gtk_text_new(NULL, NULL);
+    gtk_signal_connect_after(GTK_OBJECT(msg->text), "key_press_event",
+			     GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(balsa_key_press_event_cb), msg);
+    gtk_signal_connect_after(GTK_OBJECT(msg->text), "map_event",
+			     GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(balsa_key_press_event_cb), msg);
     gtk_text_set_editable(GTK_TEXT(msg->text), TRUE);
     gtk_text_set_word_wrap(GTK_TEXT(msg->text), TRUE);
@@ -1176,6 +1186,97 @@
     return table;
+static gint
+balsa_key_press_event_cb(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer data)
+    gchar *message = NULL;
+    gchar *symbol = NULL;
+    gchar *statustext = NULL;
+    gint index = 0;
+    int lines = 1;
+    int rows = 1;
+    int words = 0;
+    int size = 0;
+    int x = 1;
+    int y = 1;
+    int hexval = 0;
+    int wordflag = 0;
+    /* initialize the power-ascii-table for chars < 0x20 */
+    gchar *lowsymbols[] = {
+	N_("Null"),			N_("Start of Heading"),
+	N_("Start of Text"),		N_("End of Text"),
+	N_("End of Transmission"),	N_("Enquiry"),
+	N_("Acknowledge"),		N_("Bell"),
+	N_("Backspace"),		N_("Horizontal Tabulation"),
+	N_("Line Feed"),		N_("Vertical Tabulation"),
+	N_("Form Feed"),		N_("Carriage Return"),
+	N_("Shift Out"),		N_("Shift In"),
+	N_("Data Link Escape"),		N_("Device Control 1"),
+	N_("Device Control 2"),		N_("Device Control 3"),
+	N_("Device Control 4"),		N_("Negative Acknowledge"),
+	N_("Synchronous Idle"),		N_("End of Transmission Block"),
+	N_("Cancel"),			N_("End of Medium"),
+	N_("Substitute"),		N_("Escape"),
+	N_("File Separator"),		N_("Group Separator"),
+	N_("Record Separator"),		N_("Unit Separator")
+    };
+    /* get the message body */
+    message = gtk_editable_get_chars(GTK_EDITABLE(GTK_TEXT(((BalsaSendmsg *) data)->text)), 0, -1);
+    /* get the index of the cursor */
+    index = gtk_editable_get_position(GTK_EDITABLE(GTK_TEXT(((BalsaSendmsg *) data)->text)));
+    /* lines: get the total lines of the message */
+    /* words: get the total words of the message */
+    /* size: get the total size of the message */
+    /* x/y: get the x/y origin within the message */
+    while (message[size] != '\0') {
+	if (message[size] == '\n') {
+	    lines++;
+	    rows = 1;
+	} else {
+	    rows++;
+	}
+	if (message[size] == '\n' || message[size] == '\t'|| message[size] == ' ') {
+	    wordflag = 0;
+	} else if (wordflag == 0) {
+	    wordflag = 1;
+	    words++;
+	}
+	if (size < (int)index) {
+	    x = rows;
+	    y = lines;
+	}
+	size++;
+    }
+    /* get the symbol within the text and the hexval */
+    hexval = message[(int)index];
+    symbol = g_strdup_printf("%c", hexval);
+    if (hexval <= 0x1f && hexval >= 0x00) {
+	g_free(symbol);
+	symbol = lowsymbols[hexval];
+    }
+    /* output the stuff to the appbar */
+    statustext = g_strdup_printf(_("Size: %d bytes, Lines: %d, Words: %d, Index: %d, X: %d, Y: %d, Char: 0x%x => '%s'."), size, lines, words, (int)index, x, y, hexval, symbol);
+    gnome_appbar_set_default(appbar2, statustext);
+    g_free(message);
+    g_free(statustext);
+    return TRUE;
 /* continueBody ---------------------------------------------------------
    a short-circuit procedure for the 'Continue action'
    basically copies the text over to the entry field.
@@ -1523,6 +1624,10 @@
     /* create text area for the message */
     gtk_paned_add2(GTK_PANED(paned), create_text_area(msg));
+    /* FIXME: create statusbar, this is only temporarely and needs fix */
+    appbar2 = GNOME_APPBAR(gnome_appbar_new(TRUE, TRUE, GNOME_PREFERENCES_USER));
+    gnome_app_set_statusbar(GNOME_APP(window), GTK_WIDGET(appbar2));
     /* fill in that info: */
     /* To: */

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