Re: probably pthread mutex deadlock detected.

On 2001.08.19 23:21:15 +0200 Ali Akcaagac wrote:
> hi,
> following issue. some people besides me, reports about issues,
> when trying to recive messages with balsa and the dialog freezes.
> i know this is a pthread related issue. since all my applications
> usually use pthreads, i don't know why only balsa fails when
> trying to recive mails and the dialog hangs. since pthreads are
> used in other parts of balsa too (e.g. sending mails, accessing
> a messagebox etc) and it doesnt hung there only popping. i bet
> there are some DEADLOCK inside this. i cant prove it now but i
> am pissed about that issue (and i am more pissed to need to use
> balsa in a pthread way) so i feel myself forced to read some
> ibm related documents concerning pthreads and get a look into this.
> i have tons of apps using pthreads and only balsa fails. this is
> curious and need a cleaner look into.

i just confirmed this.. if someone else with more pthreads experience
will look into this too, this would help solve this issue.

i just recompiled balsa with 'pthreads' support, accessing the
mailboxes in the ctree (on the left side of balsa) works in
pthreads, sending messages works in pthreads mode too only
reciving hung now this happens:

- the dialog freezes, nothing happens, means i can hide the
  dialog and quit balsa

or this happens

- it prompts back into xterm but all balsa related window stays
  open. i bet that the 'check mail' option works 'by accident'
  as melanie would say in this case. the pthread initialisation
  seem not to be correct or something else is borked there but
  now i am sure its not my system its for sure some borkage in
  balsa and only affected part is the 'check' stuff. i will head
  forward and look more into this.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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