Re: gpg support

Yes this is a recurring topic.
We need GPG support in balsa.

The integration is not trivial.
I believe that the code to dialog with GPG is not a problem (perhaps with
gpgme library).
The difficulties come from RFC compliance.

I would like to work on it but I've not yet found the time to read the

Until someone with good mail&privacy-related RFCs knowledge take the time
to implement it, we will use alternate (poor) solution like copy/paste from


Le 2001.08.15 13:25:06 +0200, Torsten Luettgert a écrit :
> Hi,
> sorry if this was discussed before, but I couldn't find anything on the
> web
> page or in the mailing list archives.
> I'm using balsa as MUA for some months now and I've grown quite fond of
> it.
> The only feature I've been missing yet is integrated support for
> encryption
> and signing of messages via the GNU privacy guard, also known as gpg or
> gnupg. This makes the process quite cumbersome: write message to file,
> find
> public key of the receiver, encrypt & sign on the command line to another
> file, import & send it, delete files. And if I want to review the message
> some other day? Tough luck, should have archived the cleartext before.
> You
> get my drift.
> Is anything planned yet? They have this stuff even in (yuck) Outlook by
> now,
> did you know? ;-)
> Greetings, Torsten <>
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Christophe Barbé <>
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